Submitting Articles to Yahoo Groups
by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

You mean there's something else besides,, and Internet sites for submitting your articles?

Yes, there's Yahoogroups.

Ezine publishers and webmasters belong to these groups and are emailed your articles for their consideration.


In order to submit your articles by email, you must first join the group. The rules vary for submission. Some require a certain format, or that you can only submit once a day. They're strict about their rules and will reject your submission without necessarily telling you if you don't adhere to their rules, so pay attention!

Here's how you join:

o Go to and familiarize yourself with the site o Look at existing groups under categories listed. o Enter "free articles" on the search engine. o When you find a group you'd like to join, follow the instruction.

Here's an example of one group listed under "free articles':

Free-Reprint-Articles. This list is a gathering place for both authors and publishers. Authors will post their Free-Reprint articles here for the consideration of ezine and newsletter publishers, off-line publishers, and webmasters. The general guidelines affecting Free-Reprint articles are * The author will retain all copyrights on his/her articles. * You must print the complete article and resource box unedited. * You must send a courtesy copy of the ezine or newsletter where the article was published to the author .

When you submit your article to the group, the email address is

They require this format:

Article Title: Author Name: Contact Email Address: Word Count: Category: Copyright Date: Internet Address (If Available): Autoresponder Address (If Available): Special Requirements For Reprint:

Complete Article with Resource Box at end:


Some groups will ask for "WRAP". This means they want your article formatted so that it's 65 characters (including) spaces across each line. You can compose your articles on Word, for instance, and then copy and paste onto notepad or textpad.

Another option is this free tool on the Internet that will format your article in "wrap" for you: .


There's one more kind of submission procedure you should know about: the hybrid. An example of this is: When you go to this link, you'll see it's a website with categories listed: education, business, home-garden, parenting, etc. When you click on the category, it brings up an email for you to enter your article.

So get busy submitting those articles with good, informative material for others.

(c)Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, offers Internet marketing services and business, marketing and personal coaching, for individuals and small business owners who want to succeed.,, and